Student Evaluations of Sectional Instructor David Silverberg's Environmental Learning Activities for Colorado Outward Bound School Teacher Practicum CTE 730, Summer, 1998.

1. Interesting, there were many levels to his activities which made it easy to take away many different ideas

2. Love him, love him, love him. David and his activities were extremely insightful.

3. Excellent. His enthusiasm was infectious and his knowledge of environmental issues quite impressive.

4. He was an amazing source of information. Personally the environmental stuff was my own weakness and I loved having him as a resource! We were a lucky group.

5. David was an amazing person who knew a tremendous amount of information. He was also a great storyteller. The information he presented was interesting, but at times he talked "over my head". I would like to learn more about the environment for sure.

6. Excellent! Very knowledgeable! Instruction couldn't have been better!

7. Very inspiring, even for a European who was not to much interested in the specifics, good overall connections and understanding of ecology, especially the environment-group-metaphor evening!

8. Hey I loved David's presentations. He shared his knowledge and enthusiasm for the environment in a way that was irresistible.

9. Super! Provide a book list of the materials he brings and where teachers can obtain them.

10. Excellent! He is great!

11. I love his stories!!!! Great activities! The tracking activity was excellent, need more time.

12. I felt David connected well with our group and provided great activities. I highly recommend bringing David to more teacher practicums.

13. Good, but sometimes I got lost in all the explanations and talk.

14. I loved David's environmental activities. The dawn walks were really fun and I learned a ton. I also really enjoyed the skits from the form, storm, norm, perform concept. Lastly, the "Shadow" activity gave us a blast and I can easily see incorporating all of these in the classroom. David contributed a tremendous amount to my learning and experience.